Charges and Remissions
St. Mary’s as a Voluntary Grammar School charges a voluntary Capital Fee of £120 per child up to a maximum family contribution of £240 per family. The money raised by the capital fee is used for capital building and refurbishment projects and major pieces of capital equipment e.g. ICT replacement, replacement photocopiers etc.
Pupils in receipt of free school meals (FSM) can apply for capital fee remission to the Principal/Bursar.
The school offers a wide range of activities and provides additional educational materials well beyond the statutory requirements. The school wishes to continue to make these available to its pupils. This cannot be done by relying on the Education Authority funding alone. The Board of Governors therefore asks parents to make a voluntary stationery fee contribution of £20 per pupil. No pupil will be disadvantaged in relation to whether or not his/her parents/carers have made such contributions. Each pupil will receive a reasonable amount of stationery and materials from their department. Additional stationery materials can be bought from the school office at prices well below retail cost.
If you are a UK taxpayer, gift aid increases the value of your donation by 25%. The value of capital and stationery payments are enhanced significantly with gift aid.
There is a charge of £5 for Year 8 and £10 for Year 9 /10 Technology and Design students.
The Home Economics Department charges £15 for Year 8 and £20 for Year 9 /10 students to cover the cost of materials that students can either use or take home.
The school reserves the right to limit the expenditure on the making of any article. If articles are taken home, then the school may charge for these materials.
A charge will be made for individual or group tuition in the playing of a musical instrument or singing lessons. Exam fees connected with these lessons must be paid in full by the parents/carers in advance of the exams taking place.
No charge will be made in respect of transport nor for the provision of specialist equipment for daily fieldwork where this is an integral part of the course, when this is associated with education mainly during school hours. Packed lunches can be provided for those in receipt of FSM on request. Suitable clothing does need to be worn and taken on daily field trips.
No charge will be made for education visits or trips which take place wholly or for more than 50% of time during school hours 9am to 3.40pm (excludes lunchtime). However, a parental voluntary contribution may be sought to help meet the cost.
When pupils as an optional extra, with permission of parents/carers take part in education activities wholly or for more than 50% of the time outside school, charges will be made.
These charges will include travel, entrance fees, materials, books, instruments and equipment, insurance, support staff costs, board and lodgings and sub teacher costs. The charge will not exceed the cost of providing the activity divided equally by the number of pupils participating.
In cases where such educational visits are part of school hours, for approved public exams for which pupils are being prepared by the school, no charge for the visit will be made. A charge will be made for board and lodging where the activity involves spending a night away from home. This charge will be remitted on application if in receipt of FSM or exceptional pastoral need.
There is no charge for transport for statutory curriculum activities eg bus to the swimming pool.
The cost in full, including travel, sports tours including skiing, educational trips to overseas to Britain and elsewhere will continue to be charged to the parents/carers. These events are additional educational experiences and the full cost of the trip to be paid by those going.
Pupils will be entered at the school’s expenses for all examinations at their first sitting. All subsequent examinations resitting require payment e.g. a Year 14 pupil resitting Year 13 papers.
Any subsequent exam i.e. a repeat is at the parent’s/carers expense these must be paid in advance before entry. Any remark requested at the pupils’/parents request has to be paid for in advance of submission to the examination board. The school reserves the right of set off to be applied on any subsequent higher remark achieved. The refunds will be set against any existing debts first, before being repaid to the parents.
All standard text books required by each pupil will be provided free of charge. The books remain the property of the school and it is expected they will be kept in good condition and returned on request. A charge may be made for books which have to be replaced. Some departments use additional text books, and operate a book deposit scheme whereby on the return of the text book pupils, can recover the deposit in full after use.
Parents/Carers are responsible for the correct school/PE uniform. Protective clothing and equipment required for practical subjects will be provided free of charge and must be worn.
When damage is done to school property, through carelessness or misbehaviour, the school may charge up to the full cost of replacement or repair by the parents/carers of the pupils involved.