Student Leadership
At St. Mary’s we are fully committed to furthering the leadership skills of our young people.
Pupils have many opportunities to become leaders during their time at the school and are encouraged to become Senior Prefects in Year 13 to exercise these skills. To be considered for the Senior Team in Year 14, pupils must have been a Senior Prefect during Year 13.
Senior Prefects are vital to the smooth running of the school and assist in a number of ways.
Prefect Roles include:
Café Bordeaux Prefect
Departmental Prefect
Public Events Prefect
Pastoral Prefect
Pupil Support Prefect
- Extra-Curricular Prefect
The Student Leadership Team comprises of 30 Year 14 students and fulfils a variety of important roles:
Pupils are nominated for these roles by their peers and teaching staff and are selected following an interview process. These pupils lead various initiatives within the school, act as role models for other pupils, and represent the school and student body at events both inside and outside the school. Each day, the Student Leadership Team provides a pupil support service to younger students at break time in the O’Kane building.
The Student Leadership Team promote and embody the ethos of St. Mary’s Grammar School and make a valuable contribution to school life.